Tuesday, February 19, 2013


 Borel thus affirms Leucippus' necessity instead of infirming it. Creationists in the wide sense = theists just cannot superrate what Leucippus and other pre-Socratics have to  say affirming ontological naturalism!
   Mutations are random in the sense that they happen without considering the needs of organisms but still by necessity. Natural causes necessitate, not with any kind of supernatural intent  as their supernatural boss, such that to affirm intent means people revel in superstition as Lamberth's theism = reduced animism notes, just as much as full animists and polytheists do!
   To declare, however, that why, God uses epistemic distance  as John Hick and others do  argue that God  to keep from superrating our free wills with His overwhelming  presence  is just to embrace Lamberth's new Omphalos argument, that He deceives by letting scientists only discerning mechanism when His intent- telos- teleology rules just as Philip Gosse's old one does with apparent ancient age for scientists to affirm evolution.
     By the way, Jews and Christians own texts maintain the He appeared before people [ as Yahweh in the Tanakh and Yeshua in the Testament] and performed miracles, yet did not overwhelm people's free wills! Theodore Drange.
     Anyway, per Lamberth's argument from autonomy, He'd have no right to demand worship and a relationship with us and couldn't morally rule over us, facing the one-way street that Fr. Meslier's the problem of Heaven requires that He 'd have put us into  a better situation!
s argument from unbelief notes that had God really wanted a relationship with all, then only one text clearly read would have appeared and He would not - my   words- speak with a forked tongue through the thousands of sects!
    John L. Schellenberg's hiddenness arguments gainsays that epistemic distance argument: no
difference exists betwixt that hiddenness and no existence!
   Our ultimate meanings our what we declare! We are not His pottery to which He can give purpose! What a blasphemy upon humanity that William Lane Craig and Francisco Jose Ayala wish upon us all- that divine purpose!
    " Life is its own validation and reward and ultimate meaning to which neither God nor the future state can further validate." Inquiring Lynn
     Theists can zig-zag all they desire but in the end go from quicksand to quicksand!
   What is your take on Borel's arguments and that previous authors and mine?

Anaximanes and Anaximander!

Anaximanes and Anaximander!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Randomness -no to Morriss

See my comments as Skeptic Griggsy.

 Necessity rules randomness, which has no purpose to favor any new life form. Necessity rules natural selection, the non-planning, anti- chance agency of Nature, acting as a sieve in evolution

 Theistic evolutionists thus use the superstition called divine intent just as any other animists do as Lamberth's theism= reduced animism argument notes. Theistic evolution thus is just an oxy-moronic obscurantism!

The pre-Socratics are ever right, whilst naturalist Aristotle is ever wrong about teleology. That error and his own science held Europe back in science!

Science doesn’t say that! – Pharyngula

Science doesn’t say that! – Pharyngula

Friday, January 11, 2013

Necessity, not superstition, rules

     Those  superstitious  people would think that religious experience can  provide them glimpses of the supernatural prefer their superstition that  the necessity  of natural causes. Yes, some might claim that the supernatural works through  the natural, but that is a useless redundancy.
     The Aquinas- Shelley argument is as Percy  Bysshe Shelley so wisely maintains:" To suppose that some  existence beyond, or above them [ the descriptions-laws - of Naature,M.L.] is to invent a second and superfluous hypothesis to account for what already is accounted for.To  aver that that is a  metaphysical  category mistake begs the question thereof.
       Leucippus would concur then that all religious experience is people's own minds at work. To aver supernatural  input begs the question.
      People cam as  Sacks  maintains self-induce those experiences. Our body chemistry accounts for those experiences.
      Why then would one ever want to be superstitious?   

Thales: January 2013

Thales: January 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Necessity and You

   The previous article stresses how to rouse people to act through necessity. Leucippus would add that this should be through Nature, not through the superstitions of the supernatural and the paranormal- what  the recently late Dr. Paul Kurtz calls " The Transcendental Temptation," a must read book.

   Using a greater purpose can help rouse us, but that purpose should never be that of superstition; instead it should be as Peter Singer suggests the eradication of poverty and such.

    Do,  please subscribe to that blog!

     http://nietlamb.blogspot.comDO you have that greater purpose?


